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Jan 17, 2014

Snowmen make me HAPPY!

I can't help but smile when I look at these cute Oreo snowmen. I made them a little while back for winter party and I still love them! To go with my frozen friends I also made winter themed cake pops. Cute and tasty :)

Jan 6, 2014

Goodbye Christmas Magic. Hello Reality, Resolutions & 2014!

Our 2013 holidays were fast and fantastic. I haven't sat down since December 1st.. seriously, I'm not kidding! After all was said & done, I surfed mounds of wrapping paper, tiptoed through sticky tape and happily packed away all the holiday fluff and sparkle on Dec. 26th - It took all I had to wait that extra day, I tell you! I was ready to move on and my house grew 200% just by taking down my giant tree.

Today I'm resting my feet (after a quick run at the gym-it's January of course) and recounting my holiday chocolate adventures. The Baird house motto for this magical candy-making season was "make a few, eat a few" and boy did we ever! Amidst the sugarplum fairy children licking crystal sugar off the counters and the whirlwind of diy projects, family parties, neighbor gifts, school performances and winter snowstorms I was able to create (and sample for quality assurance purposes!) some really fun confections for the holidays. Thus, creating the need for carrot munching and calorie burning. Oh Yes! The rollover resolution - we all have one, right!? (but let's not talk about that quite yet.)
Let's talk about my creations! They included  these delicious large candy boxes filled to the brim with assorted dipped cookies, nut clusters, turtles, my traditional rocky road recipe, and fudge, fudge and more fudge. This year I added a tasty twist and included three different varieties of popcorn; white chocolate peppermint crunch, creamy white chocolate cinnamon & sugar, and caramel chocolate drizzle crunch--my spin on Harry& David's Moose Munch. YUM!

Cookies & Clusters
Dark Chocolate Almond Clusters
Assorted Dipped Cookies

Rocky Road

Rocky Road
My rocky road has marshmallows, chow mien noodles, and peanuts. SO GOOD!

 I love to dip Pepperidge Farm pirouettes. They are so elegant and very tasty! I like to dip many of varieties of Pepperidge Farms cookies.

Packaged up and ready to go!